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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Goodness Still Abounds

I am drowning in a sea of stress and craziness right now and I apologize to the one and only person who may check out this blog to see what we are up to in Fullmerland. I am seriously struggling with my class load right now and wondering what form of madness I must have been under to elect to take a math and English class together!!! Seriously I am dying a painful death from the weight of my homework. I can hardly wait for the end of the semester. However I wanted to pause and acknowledge the fact that there are good people in this world who genuinely do nice things for others with little consideration about whats in it for them.

My sense of hope in humanity has been temporarily restored as yesterday I had an encounter with two amazing women who took time out of their busy lives to stop and help me. I am touched and grateful to them and I wanted to acknowledge their kindness to those who read this. It also made me think about the recent conference address given by the Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson in the sunday morning session about doing random acts of kindness. The talk is titled, What Have You Done For Someone Today (You can read and view that talk here and here.)

I also wondered more about what acts of service have others done for you that really touched you or that you have or are planning to do? My mind is on this especially since Thanksgiving is coming up next month and I always feel the need to do acts of kindness to show my gratitude towards all that I am blessed with. Not to mention Christmas that makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy and more willing to love and help each other.

Please share with me your thoughts in the comments, thanks!


Jana Perkins said...

Moana, I'm so sorry you are drowning in homework and stress. remember that you have gotten this far and you have survived. You are stronger than you think.

I can't think of any random acts of kindness that someone has done for me lately, but this past week I have tried daily to find something to do to help others. I have found small things to do and they have blessed my life tremendously. I'm so grateful to the Prophet and for the acts of service I found. Thanks for posting.

Michelle said...

When we were moving...I was back at our apartment cleaning it out and I had been for hours and hours...and hours! My kids were running around crazy and we were hungry, when I got a knock at the door. A new neighbor that had just moved in across the street a few days before brought me over a slice of apple pie ala mode! Then she said you know I remember what it was like trying to clean and move with kids, I have a little girl and a little boy who have seen your kids playing around and are dying for some friends...can them come over and play for a bit while you finish up with your cleaning? She came out of nowhere, and I have never had anyone offer like that to help me was so nice. I have since tried to be more aware and help out whenever possible.

Alicia said...

I totally hear you about school! So I love to do crafts to relieve stress and last Saturday we had our super saturday for RS. I had only ordered one craft to do, but two of my neighbors had conflicts come up and were unable to do their crafts. I stepped in and finished their crafts for them. I had tons of fun and they loved having them done. Totally a win-win situation! :)

Xela said...

I can totally relate! This is the first time I have been on blogs in who knows how long! But it's not easy to do all those great things we want to do to make ourselves "better" people. :) I am so proud of you for all you are accomplishing!

For me the help that my sister and my sweet friend are giving me by helping to watch Zach so I can go to school on Fridays is the BIGGEST act of kindness! To them it may not be much but to me it is everything to know Zach is happy and having fun while I am gone all day! Thanks for your post! Love ya!