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Monday, January 14, 2008

The Wonders of Being A "Boy"

Recently we have noticed a funny trend with Liam. He used to call himself, Liam and responded to being called by his given name. But just recently he has started calling himself, "Boy." He first began by saying, " I boy" but he has recently taken it to the level of, "Mommy turn, Boy turn." When I call him Liam, he gets mad and corrects me and reminds me that he is "Boy, not Liam." I find it fascinating that at this age he understands that he is a boy and that it is apart of his identity as a person. He can also tell the difference between girls and boys. While we are watching T.V. he will say, "Girl" or "Boy" to each person he sees. He knows that Dora the Explorer is a girl and that Diego is a boy but Boots is a monkey. I am amazed that he has learned this at his age. He amazes me each day!! I think kids get smarter and smarter with each generation. My grandma tells me this all the time and I think I would have to agree with her.

I am trying right now to teach Liam how to say prayers by repeating what I say while we are praying. He hasn't quite picked up the idea yet. But I think he is starting to understand some of the concept because when I was praying with him recently and I said, "Please bless our grandmas, grandpas, and cousins" Liam then said in a cute saying prayer voice, "please bless Kayla." Kayla is his older girl cousin whom Liam adores. He has loved her since he was born and talks about her constantly. I love how when I said cousin he immediately thought of her! After our prayer was through I called Kayla to let her know that Liam was thinking of her and that she was in his prayers. It meant a lot to her but it touched my heart to realize that some of what I am teaching him is really getting thorough to him. That he was thinking of someone he cares about and wanted Heavenly Father to bless her. This is exciting to me!

Yesterday I was going through my closet and trying on clothes to decide what I was keeping and what needed to be given away to DI. While I was doing this, Liam came into my room to see what I was doing and he stopped and said with a huge grin on his face, "Mommy look cute!" Lets just say that he got a huge hug and kiss from his mom! He made me feel so awesome and I decide that the outfit I was wearing was definitely worth keeping!!

I love being Liam's mom. He has taught me so much and I am grateful for the life lessons he is teaching me each and every day! It truly is a wonder having a little boy in my life to remind me to get back to basics and not to complicate things so much! What are some of the things the children in your life have taught you? What are you learning right now??


The Perkins Family said...

Just like you I am learning how much kids pay attention and how much they can learn. Tyler is learning to say prayers too and just last night said the most recognizable one yet, it went something like, "Heavenly Father, grateful mommy daddy, Amen." My heart melted. He teaches me so much everyday and often is the first to apologize when we have a fight. I love him.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Moanna! I'm a picture freak and those are the cutest pictures ever! I love them. That was a cute post and it's fun to see people write about what they love about kids and being a mom. Sure there are the funny, crazy, sticky days but there are so many wonderful, happy days too. Thanks for posting!

Xela said...

I too am so grateful to be a mom and so very grateful to be able to stay home with them. It is the best (and hardest) job anyone could ever have. I love your pictures! You really do an awesome job! :) Love ya

Anonymous said...

How cute! I just love to see what these kids are discovering on a daily basis. Everyday a new word from Jaden. And also that he doesn't like to share his mommy.

Hey glad you have a love for V-Day and red. I knew we had a lot in common. And no I didn't know about our relative named Valentine! How cool. love ya Mandhy