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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Ironically six years ago today, I was in labor with Liam boy, I had gone into labor with him on May 30 and he was born at the stroke of midnight on June 2. Consequently I am nostalgic as today I am 23 weeks pregnant with baby two and we had our last appointment here in Logan this morning. I was a little sad to inform them that I was transferring my care to the University of Utah because I have been a client there since 2004. However, I am also grateful for the opportunity to have my baby with a midwife since I had Liam with a midwife as well. Despite the seriousness of his birth, the midwife made the difference with her care and concern. She was with me the entire time ensuring that everything went well and that I was supported in the choices that I wanted for my son. I am so grateful that I had a birth plan that my care providers worked hard to follow. I am looking forward to working with the midwives at the University of Utah.

Joanna, Moana, and Rosie--expectant mothers and sister-in-laws.

We were all really excited to be preggo together, we can hardly wait to meet our babies!

Joanna is due first, then Melissa who is not in this picture, Me, then Rosie. Four babies in time for Christmas this year!

My sister-in-law, Joanna had a baby with them last week and I have enjoyed hearing her birth story. I feel comforted knowing that I am also going to be working with the same midwives and nurses. I am excited for this new experience.

On another note, the baby's heart tones were right where they should be, he sounded perfect. The whooshing sounds of the blood flowing through his heart was like music to my ears! He is also measuring right on his due date as well. To me the due date is only a rough time line, I know that this little guy will come when he is ready. I just can't help but wonder if he will choose September or October for his birth month. I went into labor with Liam in May and had him in June and this newest little guy will be the same way as well since his due date is the later part of September. He could be right on time or be lackadaisical and come in October. He is sure to suprise me and keep me guessing the entire time! One thing that is for certain, is that I am happy that my blood sugars and blood pressures are looking so great! By this point with Liam we were on strict bed rest battling the beginning stages of toxemia. I have worked hard this pregnancy to use what I learned from Liam's pregnancy and complications to have a better experience. Admittedly, I have also stretched my faith muscles more and prayed for lots of help and for my body to be healthier this go around. Unborn Fullmer is looking and sounding great and the mama is feeling great as well. He is progressing as expected and I am so grateful for this small miracle and blessing.
Boxes, boxes everywhere!

Liam's converted garage

Empty boxes waiting to be filled

We are also hard at work packing up the many boxes that encapsulates the fifteen years of marriage and living together that have collected over the years. I am astounded at how much stuff we have been able to fit into this tiny apartment. I am forever making a run for more boxes as we quickly fill up empty boxes with the contents of our lives. I have high hopes of having everything packed and ready to go before our helpers show up. In years past, I have not been as well prepared and at the last minute everything gets chucked into an empty box and when it comes time to unpack its a small nightmare trying to put it all away. I have also never been pregnant and moving either and I have a new found appreciation for the women who have done so before! WOW! Its a lot more work and requires more energy then I had previously ever realized. I find myself taking lots of breaks and having to rely on the help of others. I am so independent that asking others for help is not one of my strong points! I am learning humility and not enjoying the process one bit! However, we are seeing great progress as areas of our small apartment are getting packaged up and put away into the waiting boxes that line the walls of Liam's tiny bedroom. He told me yesterday that his bedroom looks more like a garage and less like a bedroom. Sadly, he is right!

"This is my angry face"

Mom just told me something really stupid, like pick up my toys.

I don't want to pose for the camera right now, I am busy playing!

But I keep consoling him with the promise that not much longer and we will be living in a bigger place for more room for him to play and spread out. He just rolls his eyes at me and scoffs. Sometimes, he acts more like a seasoned teenager and less like an innocent first grader!I dread the day when he realizes that he is smarter than his old mom and my influence over him will be at its end. We have experiences much growth and progress these past few weeks and we are looking forward to what the future has in store for us.


Melanie said...

Those pictures of Liam totally crack me up. Wally pulls those faces at me all the time. I'm glad there are other mothers that have to deal with that attitude too :)
You look gorgeous with your prego belly getting bigger and bigger. So fun! I'm happy that everything is going well with this pregnancy. good luck with the move. I can't wait to see how you organize and decorate your new place (you are so good at that) But wait till you've had the baby and recover before you get to busy with that stuff.
Love ya, Melanie